Government ethics chief blasts Trump over plans for business

collected by :John Miller

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Government ethics chief blasts Trump over plans for business

Government ethics chief blasts Trump over plans for business
- The director of the Office of Government Ethics is blasting President-elect Donald Trump's plan to avoid conflicts of interest as "wholly inadequate."
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Federal ethics chief calls Trump's business plans "wholly inadequate"

Federal ethics chief calls Trump's business plans
- WASHINGTON -- President-elect Donald Trump has decided he will not sell his assets or place them in a blind trust, as government ethics experts had urged.
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Government ethics chief blasts Trump's business plan as 'meaningless'

Government ethics chief blasts Trump's business plan as 'meaningless'
- The government's top ethics monitor sharply criticized President-elect Donald Trump's plans to avoid conflicts of interest with his business holdings Wednesday, calling the measures "wholly inadequate."Earlier in the day, Trump said at a news conference he would hand off running his business to his two adult sons, but will not set up a blind trust or sell off his holdings.
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Top government ethics official denounces Trump's business plans

Top government ethics official denounces Trump's business plans
- Skip in Skip x Embed x Share President-elect Trump explains why his sons will run the Trump family business while he occupies the White House.
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