Trump Allies Target Office of Government Ethics

collected by :John Miller

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As it stated in

The Office of Government Ethics is waging a one-sided Twitter feud with Trump

The Office of Government Ethics is waging a one-sided Twitter feud with Trump
- Rep. Jason Chaffetz just warned the Office of Government Ethics about its tweets about Donald Trump's conflicts of interest.
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Trump Allies Target Office of Government Ethics

Trump Allies Target Office of Government Ethics
- The 2016 presidential election and its aftermath have highlighted the extent to which a deeply divided American public interprets events and information through a partisan lens.
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Ethics Office Issues 'Refresher' on Endorsement Ban After Trump Tweets Support of L.L. Bean

Ethics Office Issues 'Refresher' on Endorsement Ban After Trump Tweets Support of L.L. Bean
- President-elect Donald Trump speaks to reporters after his meeting with television personality Steve Harvey at Trump Tower Friday.
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