"mnrdaily" : Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus receive FCC certification

News on the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus continue to come in as the launch date approaches. The Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus will be launched on March 29 in New York and London. In addition, both the S8 and S8 Plus will offer wireless charging support, according to the FCC entry. "Due to some limits of iris scanning such as speed and accuracy, we have decided to addfacial recognition to the Galaxy S8. As for the S8 Plus version, it will also come in three variants, namely, the models with the serial numbers SM-G955U, SM-G955U1, and SM-G955W.

as declared in

Samsung Galaxy S6 Turned Back On Pure Android – Autoomobile

Samsung Galaxy S6 Turned Back On Pure Android – Autoomobile
But what are your thoughts, would you rather have pure android on the Samsung Galaxy S6 to get faster updates? This is not the case today and handsets such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 are no longer offered with pure Android. Owners of the Samsung Galaxy S6 complained that they had to wait for what seemed to be forever to get the Android Lollipop update. So it does looks as though the need for pure Android wasn't strong enough to warrant the handsets. If you cast your mind some years ago you could get some of the popular devices in Google Play Editions and they brought pure Android.

Samsung Galaxy S8 rumored specs

Samsung Galaxy S8 rumored specs
We appraise that the new leader will be around $850 to the extent the Samsung Galaxy S8 plain-vanilla rendition is concerned. The Samsung Galaxy S8 was initially prodded at Mobile World Congress on February 26, 2017. The PriceOne normal question when alluding to the Samsung Galaxy S8 is the amount it will deliver for. Fill us in as to whether you discover more insights about the Samsung Galaxy S8. We trust that the Samsung Galaxy S8 will most presumably highlight a telephone with a 4K screen.

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collected by :John Miller

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