"The New York Times" said : Fox Sports Fires Jamie Horowitz Amid a Claim of Misconduct

21st Century Fox, the media giant controlled by the Murdoch family, owns Fox Sports, Fox News and a number of other entertainment properties. The cleanup continued in May, with the dismissal of one of the network's presidents, Bill Shine, a protégé of Mr. Ailes. Mr. Horowitz was in charge of sports programming, and his radical restructuring of the network caused widespread consternation among its employees. The swift dismissal of Mr. Horowitz — without a public lawsuit or public pressure — represents a significant departure from how 21st Century Fox has handled other cases. That does not include the exit package for Mr. Ailes and the estimated $25 million payout for Mr. O'Reilly.

as declared in

Jamie Horowitz Fired at Fox Sports Amid Harassment Probe

Jamie Horowitz Fired at Fox Sports Amid Harassment Probe
Jamie Horowitz, who has run programming at Fox Sports since May 2015, has been fired from the network amid an internal investigation of sexual harassment claims. "I regret to inform you that Jamie Horowitz, President of National Networks for Fox Sports, will be leaving Fox Sports effective immediately. The exec has hired litigator Patty Glaser to represent him amid a network investigation of sexual harassment claims. Horowitz's attorney Patty Glaser responded in a statement: "The way Jamie has been treated by Fox is appalling. Jamie was hired by Fox to do a job, a job that until today he has performed in exemplary fashion.

In Surprise Move, Jamie Horowitz Is Out At Fox Sports - SportsBusiness Daily
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