Iowa's Targeted Small Business programme wants to break drop further start-up barriers

collected by :Dicson Walt

CLOSE Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur that wants to begain one? IBC Bank-Corpus Christi chief executive officer Harold Shockley Jr. has some tip on applying for a small business loan. Mary Ann Cavazos Beckett/Caller-TimesThe Iowa Economic development Authority's Targeted Small Business programme has worked wonders in networking for people like Deshara Bohanna, the owner of luxury decor service Design Fetish. Deshara Bohanna knows the price of maximizing both in order to get a small business off the ground. Along the way, the Iowa Economic development Authority's Targeted Small Business programme helped her get quickly connected in ways she wouldn't have expected.

There's Never Been the better Time To Be A Small Business

With access to information & resources, cost-effective customer engagement tools, & market liquidity, there's never been the better time to be an entrepreneur. While which perhaps be the business model you're betting on, don't underestimate the price of personal relationships by partners & vendors. Who better than another small business to play which role? While which perhaps be the business model you're betting on, don't underestimate the price of personal relationships by partners & vendors. Who better than another small business to play which role?

There's Never Been A Better Time To Be A Small Business

Small Business continue Soaring

according to The prediction for political break news perhaps be stormy, however the owners of American small businesses are seeing blue skies in the economy as they still to innovate jobs & promote wages. That's according to the latest employment report from the National Federation of Independent Business, due out later today. The NFIB April survey finds which small firms are healthy, & which there are further of them. According to NFIB Chief Economist William Dunkelberg, "The promote in fresh business establishments Information Systems running well ahead of eliminations,...

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