Japan’s GMO Internet to Use Blockchain in Its New Online Banking Business

collected by :Dicson Walt

By Marie Huillet Japan's GMO Internet to Use Blockchain in Its New Online Banking Business18249 Total views 339 Total sharesNewsJapanese internet services giant GMO Internet Inc. has today launched a new internet banking business that will leverage blockchain as a central part of its technological arsenal. The project has reportedly been in the works since July 2016 via the 'GMO Aozora Net Bank,' in which GMO Internet, GMO Financial Holdings and Aozora Bank are joint investors. The Tokyo-headquartered internet services provider declared ¥43.705 billion (around $387.5 million) in net sales in the first quarter of 2018, up 17.5 percent from a year before. GMO's decision to harness blockchain technology at the center of its new internet banking venture is in keeping with its significant prior investments in the crypto and blockchain space. Most recently, the company has announced it will be debuting its Bitcoin-based application for in-game rewards — dubbed 'CryptoChips' — this August.

Oracle Blockchain Opens for Business

Oracle's blockchain platform is hitting the market on Monday. Oracle had been testing the new blockchain platform in pilot programs with early adopting customers in recent months. Rehm said enterprise blockchain tech becomes more valuable as more partners get onboard. Oracle's blockchain service is based on Hyperledger Fabric, a blockchain created by IBM and now maintained by the non-profit Linux Foundation. Oracle's blockchain service arrives months after rivals such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and others have debuted similar services.

Oracle Blockchain Opens for Business

Startup Thinks Blockchain Can Help Fix the Media's Business Woes

As it stated in A new media company is proposing an unlikely remedy for the business challenges facing the media industry: cryptocurrency. Mr. Iles, 31, is aiming to create a network of stakeholders united under the banner of supporting and sustaining quality journalism. AdvertisementThe nuances of cryptocurrecy and blockchain may be lost on a media industry that has been slow to adapt to evolving digital business models. News organizations have an incentive to experiment with alternative business models, Mr. Iles said, because existing revenue streams are under serious pressure. "We intend to build commercial applications in this ecosystem that help power the marketplace that we're building the underlying foundation for," Mr. Iles said.

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