Study Ranks Best, Worst States To Start A Business
Study Ranks Best, Worst States To Start A BusinessFollow CBSPHILLY Facebook | TwitterPHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A recent study suggests that if you want to start a business, you may have to leave Pennsylvania. Woman Lost Her Toenails After Fish Pedicure, Say DoctorsPennsylvania ranks as the fifth-worst state to start a business, according to a WalletHub study. New Jersey is the seventh worst, as Delaware ranked best of the three neighboring states, coming in at 14th worst. In the study, states are measured on three key components: business environment, access to resources and business costs. The best state to start a business is Texas, according to the study.
5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start A Business
As it stated in According to the U.S. Small Business Administration , there are 28.8 million small businesses — defined as those with fewer than 500 employees — in the economy at any given time. In real estate, the crucial factor in price is "Location, location, location!" In the small business world, the equivalent is "Talent, talent, talent!" Having great talent around you is the key to success. Do you have a strong operating agreement? Many first-time entrepreneurs don't put proper focus on having a really smart operating agreement. A strong operating agreement will prevent disagreements, misunderstandings and a host of other problems once your company starts to enjoy its well-earned success.collected by :Dicson Walt
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