Employees were given a month to create productivity measures, essentially determining how to complete their work within 32-hours a week. Other experiments to cut back work hours have fizzled, such as Sweden's six-hour workday trial. As part of the trial, Barnes asked two researchers to track the impact on employees. "The overwhelming majority of research participants were unanimous in their hope that reduced working hours will become an ongoing reality," Delaney wrote in her report. "The majority feels that their team demonstrated that they are capable of meeting (or in some cases exceeding) productivity targets within shorter working hours."
Silicon Valley taught me this secret about great business ideas, says Hong Kong entrepreneur
Ideas are a dime a dozen, or so they say; it's all in the execution. However, there's a big difference between an idea that's capable of going the distance and one that, try as you might, is destined to fall flat. So how can you tell if you're onto a winner? "So the best idea is probably a good idea that seems bad so that most people don't agree and don't do it," he continued. Ray Chan, whose Hong Kong-based social media site now boasts more than 100 million fans across Facebook and Instagram, said the ability to go against the status quo is one of his greatest takeaways from his time spent building the business with start-up accelerators in Silicon Valley.
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