"The Huffington Post" said : Steve King Is Exactly Who You Think He Is. His Constituents, Not So Much.

I have lived in Northwest Iowa and I have many friends and family from Northwest Iowa. I believe that they will soon discover that Steve King is on the wrong side of history. Steve King really is who you think he is. https://t.co/4nxLipafWO — Steve King (@SteveKingIA) March 12, 2017That's a quote from a sitting United States congressman. Steve King is who you think he is.

according to

Iowa Rep. Steve King under fire for tweet about "somebody else's babies"

Iowa Rep. Steve King under fire for tweet about
We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies. #concernedGOPcolleague — Carlos Curbelo (@carloslcurbelo) March 13, 2017Dear Representative Steve King: These are my two babies. https://t.co/tMZf7heR9O — Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) March 12, 2017King was asked about his tweet during an interview on CNN Monday morning. GOD BLESS STEVE KING!!! --Representative Ted Lieu pic.twitter.com/MHU21jJUrY — Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) March 12, 2017Is it worth making the obvious point that what American history has been about is "restoring" ourselves with "somebody else's babies?"

Ana Navarro: Steve King 'so damn gross'
— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) March 13, 2017Glad to see GOP voices like my friends, @RepCurbelo and @RosLehtinen, stand-up against Steve King's stupidity & racism. GOP strategist Ana Navarro on Monday blasted Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), arguing his controversial tweet the day before is the latest in a line of inflammatory remarks. I ❤ @ChrisCuomo, but cannot stand watching racist Steve King early in the AM, or any time of day. — Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) March 13, 2017Steve King's only call to fame's saying offensive, divisive things. "It's a clear message.""We need to get our birthrates up or Europe will be entirely transformed within half a century or a little more," King added.

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